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- ; Graz, February 1994
- *** StartUp by POSEIDON of ALCATRAZ ***
- *** Thanks to MIKE of SPREADPOINT ***
- *** Works on A500 upto A4000/40 ***
- *** Written using DEVPAC ***
- Include CustomRegisterAGA.s
- *** Exec ***
- LVO_SuperVisor=-30
- FindTask=-294
- GetMsg=-372
- WaitPort=-384
- LVO_OldOpenLibrary=-408
- LVO_CloseLibrary=-414
- *** Grafics ***
- ActiView=34
- CopInit =38
- LVO_LoadView=-222
- LVO_WaitTOF=-270
- *** Use this const. for center your screen correct ***
- SCR_X=40 PlaneWidth in bytes ( must be a multiple of 4 )
- SCR_Y=256 PlaneHeight in lines ( must be multiple of 2 )
- PLN=4 # of Planes
- *** Writing this const. in the same named registers ***
- DIW_START=($29-(SCR_Y-256)/2)*256+$81-(SCR_X*8-320)/2
- DIW_STOP=($29+(SCR_Y-256)/2)*256+$c1+(SCR_X*8-320)/2
- DDF_START=((($81-(SCR_X*8-320)/2)-17)/2)&$fff8
- *** This const. gives you the first line of your screen ***
- *** very useful for Copper Wait ***
- COP0=$29-(SCR_Y-256)/2
- *** Some often used macros ***
- *** OpenLibrary Name,Base,Error ***
- M_OpenLib MACRO
- move.l 4.w,a6
- lea \1,a1
- jsr LVO_OldOpenLibrary(a6)
- move.l d0,\2
- beq \3
- *** CloseLibrary Base ***
- M_CloseLib MACRO
- move.l 4.w,a6
- move.l \1,a1
- jsr LVO_CloseLibrary(a6)
- *** Try to use Sections for Code and Datas, so there
- *** will never be any problem with the cache !!!
- Section Programm,CODE
- Start move.l 4.w,a6 WB-startup ( no fucking GURU !!! )
- sub.l a1,a1
- jsr FindTask(a6)
- move.l d0,a4
- tst.l $ac(a4)
- bne.s fromCLI
- lea $5c(a4),a0 get WorkbenchMessage
- jsr WaitPort(a6)
- lea $5c(a4),a0
- jsr GetMsg(a6)
- fromCLI M_OpenLib GfxName,GfxBase,Err
- move.l GfxBase,a6 store old view
- move.l ActiView(a6),OldView
- move.l #0,a1 set view to default
- jsr LVO_LoadView(a6)
- jsr LVO_WaitTOF(a6)
- jsr LVO_WaitTOF(a6)
- lea $dff000,a5
- move.w #$7fff,d0
- move.w INTENAR(a5),-(a7) clear all interrupts
- or.w #$8000,(a7)
- move.w d0,INTENA(a5)
- move.w INTREQR(a5),-(a7)
- or.w #$8000,(a7)
- move.w d0,INTREQ(a5)
- move.w DMACONR(a5),-(a7) clear all DMA channels
- or.w #$8000,(a7)
- move.w d0,DMACON(a5)
- clr.l MyVBR use VBR register
- move.l 4.w,a6
- move.w 296(a6),d0
- btst #0,d0 if 60010 or higher processor
- beq.s noVBR
- lea SuperV,a5 goto supervisormode
- jsr LVO_SuperVisor(a6)
- bra.s noVBR
- SuperV movec VBR,d0 and get VBR register
- move.l d0,MyVBR
- rte
- noVBR lea $dff000,a5
- cmp.b #$fc,LISAID(a5) test AGA
- bne.s NotAGA
- move.w #$c00,BPLCON3(a5) reset new BPLCON register to default
- clr.w FMODE(a5) reset fetchmode to 16 bit
- NotAGA bsr.w InitInterrupt
- *** Init. here your CopperList ***
- lea $dff000,a5
- move.l #NewCopperList,COP1LCH(a5) init. new CopperList
- clr.w COPJMP1(a5)
- move.w #DIW_START,DIWSTRT(a5) set DisplayWindow
- move.w #DIW_STOP,DIWSTOP(a5)
- move.w #DDF_START,DDFSTRT(a5) set DataFetch
- move.w #DDF_STOP,DDFSTOP(a5)
- move.w #PLN*$1000+$200,BPLCON0(a5) init. BitPlaneControl
- clr.l BPLCON1(a5)
- move.w #$c020,INTENA(a5) switch on e.g. Level3Interrupt
- move.w #$83c0,DMACON(a5) ???
- Main
- *** Insert here your MainProgramm ***
- btst #6,$bfe001
- bne.s Main
- Exit bsr.w DeinitInterrupt
- lea $dff000,a5
- move.w (a7)+,DMACON(a5) restore DMA
- move.w (a7)+,INTREQ(a5) restore interrupts
- move.w (a7)+,INTENA(a5)
- move.l GfxBase,a6 restore view
- move.l OldView,a1
- jsr LVO_LoadView(a6)
- jsr LVO_WaitTOF(a6)
- jsr LVO_WaitTOF(a6)
- move.l CopInit(a6),COP1LCH(a5)
- M_CloseLib GfxBase
- Err moveq #0,d0
- rts
- *** Use the VBR !!! e.g. Level3Interrupt ***
- InitInterrupt
- move.l MyVBR,a0
- move.l $6c(a0),OldInt
- move.l #NewInterrupt,$6c(a0)
- rts
- DeinitInterrupt
- move.l MyVBR,a0
- move.l OldInt,$6c(a0)
- rts
- NewInterrupt
- movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)
- *** Insert here your own Interrupt routine ***
- movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
- move.w #$0020,INTREQ+$dff000
- rte
- *** Remeber the cache !?! ***
- Section Variables,DATA
- GfxName dc.b "graphics.library",0
- even
- GfxBase dc.l 0
- OldView dc.l 0
- MyVBR dc.l 0
- OldInt dc.l 0
- *** Sections for ChipMemory ***
- Section GFX,DATA_C
- NewCopperList
- dc.l -2 create your own copperlist
- Plane ds.b SCR_X*SCR_Y*PLN